Art Therapy
Adults, Teens, Children
No experience needed!!!
There is no judgment!
When you sign up you you can decide what materials you want to work with.
Use the creative arts as a medium for therapy!
In art there are no mistakes, only discovery. I will guide you through your own art experience, allowing you to use creativity to help you heal and recover from trauma, discover yourself, and increase your self-esteem in a safe way.
Art is an instrument that can help guide and promote psychological health and well-being.
Common techniques we can use include:
Finger painting
Scribbling Inks/ink blotting
Art/feelings journaling
You can
release the beast!
The American Art Therapy Association characterizes art therapy as an approach to mental health that utilizes the process of creating to improve mental, physical, and emotional wellness.
Research proves that art therapy as a part of psychotherapy is a valuable and comprehensive approach expressing oneself and working through conflict with positive results.